Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Chapter 6 Notes

Prediction: After George killed Lennie I knew he felt bad about killing him. And later that day and for the rest of his life he's going to miss Lennie and think about him everyday. George will wonder why he killed him. He would wish he never did it.

Summary: Lennie comes out of the bushes and went to the pool side for a drink. Then he sat and watched the entrance. And Lennie was saying how George was going to say that he wants go be alone without Lennie bothering him. Then a lady came and was talking to Lennie in Lennie's voice. She was saying how that George would do anything for Lennie. Aunt Clara left and then a gigantic rabbit came out of his ear and was saying how George was going to beat him with a stick. Then Lennie was yelling George then George came out the bushes and sat right next to Lennie. Then they were talking about the land they were going to have. Then George pulled out the gun and raised it and hesitated then put it back down and lift it again and steadied it and shot Lennie in the back of the head. Then the rest of the guys came and took George away.

Questions: what caused George to kill Lennie? Why did he lie and say that Lennie had the gun and he took it away and had to shoot him? What did Carlson mean when he said " Now what the hell ya suppose is eatin' them two guys?"

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